H&M BlogLovin Awards 2016

 Winner Maristella for breakthrough blogger of the year! She worked hard for those votes, asking everyone in her family to vote and she won! 
 Amber Fillerup presented, she is one of my favorite bloggers, I yelled to her how wonderful she is! 

My outfit:
Boots: Fluevog

      I had the pleasure of being nominated for Breakthrough blogger of the year award for the H&M Bloglovin awards 2016 in New York. I want to thank Bloglovin and H&M for this amazing opportunity and for bringing me to this amazing city! The entire awards show was so much fun, I met so many incredible bloggers. We got to mingle and have drinks with everyone there for a couple hours prior to the show starting in another room. It was so fun mingling around and meeting bloggers whom I always looked up to. Amber Fillerup was there and presented an award and my jaw dropped to the floor, she is my favorite blogger. Chiara Ferragni showed up too and  won the the Lifetime achievement award. Chiara is just as lovely on her blog as she is in person. 
